Sugar We’re Going Down

Wondering, this morning, what you’d want to do to take care of yourself if we had a prolonged deflationary period. My best guesses: If you were having a tough time, financially, before…and if you don’t have the ability to produce food (farming land)…then you’d want …

It’s a Trap!

While we don’t know what the long-term consequences of Covid-19 are, after you recover, and while we don’t have a vaccine, yet…we are learning more, every day. For example, if you’re infected, having healthy levels of vitamin D may help you avoid a cytokine storm, …

Serenity Now!

Several philosophical breadcrumb journeys have brought me back to the Reinhold Niebuhr. And I’m finding that I either agree with, or wish I could agree with him, on a few topics. MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” mentions Niebuhr’s influence on MLK, and transitively, on the …