Next Phase, New Wave, Dance Craze, Anyways

I’ve been reading Valerie Geller’s encyclopedic “Creating Powerful Radio”, which is updated to incorporate Internet communications, such as podcasting, here. As comprehensive as it is, I can’t help but think I learned most of this while earning my DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster) certification. While I don’t …

Performance Tips

Pick topics about which you really care Open show strong, or with a monologue Never be boring Only take calls if they make the show better, and don’t let calls go longer than they should. If a topic goes wrong, reframe it. You can change …

Look in my eyes, what do you see?

Talent isn’t absolute, but is contextual. Some on-air talent will be good for one timeslot, or one genre. If you have confidence in the talent, give ’em time and try different situations. Motivating talent seems to be a combination of corporate supervision, with some appeals …

Radio Is A Sound Salvation

Prerecorded media—interviews, podcasts, fill-in news breaks—are becoming increasingly popular. Presumably, this is negatively impacting personality-driven radio shows. I’m surprised. I appreciate a well-executed radio show. Most great radio shows have immediacy and audience interactivity, I feel like I listen to a podcast; I attend a …

The Start of Something Special

Copying this post from a post I made on Facebook: A few litmus tests for memes, before you post: If it says a law was made because someone or some people were “offended”, it’s nearly always, reliably wrong. “Offended” is what bigots use to defend …