Wisdom Of The Crowd
Internet resources have enabled user-contributed advice. But now that it’s so voluminous, how do you find the wheat among the chaff? Here’s one solution.
Internet resources have enabled user-contributed advice. But now that it’s so voluminous, how do you find the wheat among the chaff? Here’s one solution.
The Covid-19 pandemic’s been going on for 2 years. Most of us have more than a little fatigue…we’re tired of restrictions, tired of doomsayers. We want “normal”, whatever that means. Indications are that the dominant variants are less virulent. Treatments must be improving, given that …
While this protocol is specific to training a single canine behavior, the explanation is much more. Read this, and you’ll understand dog psychology well enough to condition any behavior…
A bunch of funny DIY Fails.
While we don’t know what the long-term consequences of Covid-19 are, after you recover, and while we don’t have a vaccine, yet…we are learning more, every day. For example, if you’re infected, having healthy levels of vitamin D may help you avoid a cytokine storm, …
I mostly take sports photos (volleyball), these days. I’ve done some travel photos, and played with macro shots. I don’t do portraiture at all. But maybe I should? This seems to be the most concise guide to taking portraits I’ve found…
I have some familiarity with depression. When I talk about depression, I don’t mean extreme sadness. I mean, it’s a cousin of sadness, but it’s not a matter of degree. It’s more like a hope deficiency, a corresponding lack of motivation, and an undercurrent of …
BF Skinner and Pavlov pioneered operant conditioning. And animal trainers have used this learning to condition behaviors in dogs, cats, lions, tigers, orcas, dolphins, birds, etc. (For explanations a layman can understand, I recommend Karen Pryor’s “Don’t Shoot the Dog”.) Still, here’s a fun article …