Create Your Own Adventure

The Covid-19 pandemic’s been going on for 2 years. Most of us have more than a little fatigue…we’re tired of restrictions, tired of doomsayers. We want “normal”, whatever that means. Indications are that the dominant variants are less virulent. Treatments must be improving, given that …

It’s a Trap!

While we don’t know what the long-term consequences of Covid-19 are, after you recover, and while we don’t have a vaccine, yet…we are learning more, every day. For example, if you’re infected, having healthy levels of vitamin D may help you avoid a cytokine storm, …

Enduring Depression

I have some familiarity with depression. When I talk about depression, I don’t mean extreme sadness. I mean, it’s a cousin of sadness, but it’s not a matter of degree. It’s more like a hope deficiency, a corresponding lack of motivation, and an undercurrent of …

Here kitty, kitty

BF Skinner and Pavlov pioneered operant conditioning. And animal trainers have used this learning to condition behaviors in dogs, cats, lions, tigers, orcas, dolphins, birds, etc. (For explanations a layman can understand, I recommend Karen Pryor’s “Don’t Shoot the Dog”.) Still, here’s a fun article …