Sugar We’re Going Down

Wondering, this morning, what you’d want to do to take care of yourself if we had a prolonged deflationary period. My best guesses: If you were having a tough time, financially, before…and if you don’t have the ability to produce food (farming land)…then you’d want …

It’s a Trap!

While we don’t know what the long-term consequences of Covid-19 are, after you recover, and while we don’t have a vaccine, yet…we are learning more, every day. For example, if you’re infected, having healthy levels of vitamin D may help you avoid a cytokine storm, …

Serenity Now!

Several philosophical breadcrumb journeys have brought me back to the Reinhold Niebuhr. And I’m finding that I either agree with, or wish I could agree with him, on a few topics. MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” mentions Niebuhr’s influence on MLK, and transitively, on the …

Mama Weer All Crazee Now

Watching the beginning of “Charlie Says” (about the girls in Charlie Manson’s “family”) reminded me of a documentary I saw in high school. It was all about an anguished family’s efforts to deprogram their adult sibling/child from Reverend Moon’s cult. I remember discussing what it …

not with a bang but a whimper

There’s sure a lot to say about the novel coronavirus and about our healthcare system and the response and epidemiology and education and sports and politics and cultural views on food and medicine. I’d planned to write about most of those, and maybe I still …

Armchair Macroeconomics

Economics is so multivariate, so complex, that propagandists can probably find data to support whatever conclusion they want to state. I mean, they may not be able to do so in a way that will convince economists. But they will be able to convince the …

What about a chickacherry cola?

I really like soda. My favorites are Diet Coke and Diet A&W Root Beer. But I like all sorts of soda. In Florida, I got some sort of Brazilian guarana-flavored soda. While it was overly sweet, it was tasty. And now I have a “to …